
The significance of pre-contract negotiations business contract law debt recovery oral contracts startup business supreme court Jul 10, 2019

The difficulties associated with a partly oral and partly written contract were considered by the Supreme Court in an April 2019 decision involving the Fields Group, a security company based on the Central Coast with approximately 120 security guards, and the much larger Wilson Security, with...

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Dealing with debt collectors: your rights and responsibilities accc australian consumer law business debt recovery false or misleading representations misleading and deceptive conduct Dec 08, 2014

The ACCC and ASIC have launched a new publication, Dealing with debt collectors: Your rights and responsibilities, a guide which explains:

  • people’s legal rights and responsibilities if they owe a debt;
  • where to seek help to work out a budget, negotiate a repayment plan, apply for...
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Default judgment entered against you? But you have no idea what it's about? business debt recovery default judgment litigation Aug 06, 2014

Every so often, a default judgment will be entered against an apparent debtor, but the debtor has no idea about the court proceedings having been commenced against it, or indeed about the debt itself.

The first time they know about it is when the sheriff comes knocking on their door, or when they...

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