
Default judgment entered against you? But you have no idea what it's about? business debt recovery default judgment litigation Aug 06, 2014

Every so often, a default judgment will be entered against an apparent debtor, but the debtor has no idea about the court proceedings having been commenced against it, or indeed about the debt itself.

The first time they know about it is when the sheriff comes knocking on their door, or when they...

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I was defamed! business defamation supreme court Aug 05, 2014

If you hear that someone has said something about your character or some other personal trait, often a knee-jerk reaction is to think “they’ve defamed me and they can’t do that.”  However this is not always the case.  You first need to understand the legalities...

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But I don't want the kids to move overseas if something happens to me estate planning estates family law guardianship wills Aug 01, 2014

Time and time again Shire Legal prepares Wills for parents who are living in Australia and whose ex-spouses are resident overseas, with little or no contact with the children. If the Australian parent dies, will the children be required to move overseas to live with their surviving parent?


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Things to know when selling your business business business purchase business sale franchises Mar 01, 2014

When you are selling a business, you are transferring ownership of a bundle of rights, responsibilities and assets that are used together to create profit for their owner. These rights, responsibilities and assets need to be clearly identified so they can be effectively transferred from...

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Do you need to disclose a death or suicide when selling your home? conveyancing conveyancing act honest disclosure property purchasing property real estate agent selling property Feb 24, 2014

Like many commercial transactions, the transfer of ownership of property is underpinned by the common law doctrine of “buyer beware” (aka “caveat emptor”).  That is, the purchaser needs to make sure they make their own enquiries and carry out their own pre-purchase...

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