In the realm of business law, a corporate power of attorney (POA) is an invaluable legal instrument for corporations operating in New South Wales (NSW) and across Australia. It authorises a designated person or entity to act on behalf of the corporation in specific legal, financial, or...
A partnership agreement will typically contain a provision specifying what happens if a partner wishes to exit the partnership - for example, in the case of retirement. The agreement will then typically also contain a provision specifying how the outgoing partner's share in the partnership...
An application for registration of a trade mark can be refused by Intellectual Property Australia (IP Australia) for various reasons – including the trade mark not being capable of distinguishing the applicant’s designated goods and/or services from the goods and/or services of other...
The franchising industry has been a vital part of the Australian economy, contributing significantly to employment and economic growth. According to 2022 figures, the franchising industry in Australia is estimated to be worth around $172 billion, with approximately 1,120 franchisors operating in...
The concept of “misleading and deceptive conduct” doesn’t only arise in the context of consumer law, requiring a seller to ensure that it does not mislead or deceive, or engage in conduct which is likely to mislead or deceive, its consumers in relation to the product or service...
- The laws relating to unfair dismissal attempt to balance the needs of the business and the needs of employees, and establish procedures for dealing with unfair dismissal that are quick, flexible and informal, and address the needs of employers and employees. The aim is to ensure that a “...
Business to business contracts are often "standard form contracts", meaning that one party will have a pre-drafted the contract to make it easier and simpler (and often quicker) to provide the contract to the other party, such as contracts between a supplier and its customers. ...
This blog provides general information and should not be construed as legal advice. Laws may have changed since the publication of this content. We recommend consulting with a qualified legal professional to ensure compliance with current legislation and to address specific circumstances.