
Purchase of Residential Real Estate by Foreign Investors australian taxation office (ato) foregin investment review board (firb) foreign investment purchasing property May 09, 2022

 The Australian Federal Court has issued the first penalty order for breaches of Australia’s foreign investment rules, resulting in $250,000 in penalties: Commissioner of Taxation v Balasubramaniyan [2022] FCA 374.

A foreign investor has been penalised for purchasing multiple...

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How to avoid director penalty notices australian taxation office (ato) business corporations act director penalty notice estimate notice Jan 05, 2021

If you are a director or former director of a company and the company does not meet its pay as you go (PAYG) withholding, goods and services tax (GST) or super guarantee charge (SGC) obligations, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) may recover those amounts from you...

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