Area of law


Shire Legal’s intellectual property lawyers have experience in handling:

  • registration of your business name, logo and/or colouring as a trademark;
  • enforcement of your registered trademark against competitors in your industry (including cease and desist letters);
  • advising in relation to copyright issues that may arise; and
  • defamation issues.
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Business, business purchase, buying business, Shire Legal, Miranda, Sutherland Shire, Sydney
Trade mark registration
Trade mark, enforcement, business lawyer, Shire Legal, Miranda, Sutherland Shire, Sydney
Trade mark enforcement
Business agreements, passing off, business law, business lawyer, Shire Legal, Miranda, Sutherland Shire, Sydney
Passing off

Leasing, lease, commercial, retail, business law, Shire Legal, Miranda, Sutherland Shire, Sydney

Employment, employee, employer, unfair dismissal, fair work, business lawyer, Shire Legal, Miranda, Sutherland Shire, Sydney

Franchising, franchisor, franchisee, ACCC, business law, Shire Legal, Miranda, Sutherland Shire, Sydney